The World’s Most Insightful Journalist Database

Our responsive media database analyzes more than six million articles each month and currently includes more than 250,000 journalist profiles and 90,000 publications, with more being added every month...

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About the Database

Our responsive media database is what ensures outreach through our AI-powered PR platform, Preston, is always relevant. We provide deep AI-based analysis so users can know exactly what stories journalists will be most interested in. 

Deep analysis based on more than 1500 Parameters

Our PR platform, Preston, recommends journalists for particular stories based on journalists’ profiles and much more. Parameters are updated regularly and constantly expanding to improve recommendations even further and ensure our clients can build relationships that bring the most impact for their brands. 


AI-Generated Journalist Insights

We work from social media profiles and recent coverage to provide consistently updated, accurate insights into journalists and other media professionals. That way, you can ensure pitches always target the audience that is the most relevant to your story and brand. 

Coverage Breakdown for Impactful Campaigns

Want to find journalists who interview experts or can offer a review of your product or who cover a particular geographic region? You can Identify the journalists who want what you’re pitching through a detailed examination of more than 20 coverage attributes. 


Over 6.5 Million Updates Per Month for Consistently On-Point Categorization

As journalists’ coverage topics and interests evolve, so does the database, providing constantly updated  insights. That way, your pitches are always effective and up-to-date. 

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