Technology PR

We help you secure coverage from publications covering the latest innovations in technology and grow your authority in the industry.

Public Relations for Tech Companies

Secure opportunities for thought leadership and grow your brand awareness through targeted technology PR. You’ll be able to immediately jump on the latest topics in AI, VR, tech privacy challenges, and more with relevant media coverage.


Niche Industry Clients


Articles Published


Journalist Contacts

Our Results

We work with a variety of tech startups and established companies that deal in a multitude of different technologies, including SaaS, PaaS, IoT, AI, security tech, and more. Our clients are featured in several top tech publications.

forbes pr media coverage
techcrunch technology pr
wired technology pr
techtarget technology pr
fast company

Our Clients

Our clients include organizations delivering tech products and services on the cutting edge of artificial intelligence R&D, deep tech, and beyond.

turing intelligent relations technology pr client
cognni intelligent relations technology pr client
nabto intelligent relations technology pr client

Our Technology PR Services

Our managed services provide you with content and outreach strategies, as well as press releases, social media services, and more. We handle your paid, earned, and owned channels as part of holistic technology PR campaigns.

Connect with Tech Journalists

Our technology PR connections are our core strength. We help you position your brand as a thought leader in the tech space. Our team of PR professionals combine their in-depth tech industry knowledge with strategic storytelling to secure high-impact media coverage.

AI PR platform from intelligent relations

Remain Relevant and Grow Your Audience

We leverage our understanding of the latest trends and stories to develop optimized pitches and technology PR outreach strategies that will establish your company as a tech leader.

pr services from intelligent relations ai pr platform

Our AI PR Software – Meet Preston

The AI-powered PR platform, Preston, lets our full-service clients see the progress of their technology PR outreach campaigns and visualize our successes, as well as track competitor coverage.

intelligent relations ai pr platform preston dashboard

Contact Us

See how we can help your company fuel growth and establish an authoritative presence in the industry.

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