Alanna Davis

Preston's Summary

Alanna Davis is a journalist focusing on local news in New York for Whale Generator. With a passion for animals and travel, Alanna writes articles on a variety of topics including pet care, travel destinations, and cultural symbolism. Her goal is to provide informative and engaging content to readers, helping them make informed decisions and discover new experiences.

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Geo Focus

United States (National)

Coverage Attributes:

How To Guide: 17 %
Cites Data: 17 %
Industry Specific: 15 %
Seasonal: 12 %
Promotional Deal: 11 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Nature
  • Animals
  • Gardening
  • Wildlife Conservation
  • Pet Care

Pitching Insights

Alanna Davis' coverage spans a range of topics related to pets, wildlife, and house & home. She provides industry-specific content along with how-to guides and seasonal features. Given this, she would likely be interested in pitches that offer practical advice on pet care, housing tips for different animals or birds, insights into the behaviors of various pets or wildlife species.

Considering her local focus on New York and the United States at large, Alanna may also appreciate pitches centered around specific events or locations within these areas when it comes to themes like travel or nature observation. Furthermore, given her interest in investment analysis as part of her coverage attributes, she might be open to content offering insights into real estate trends related to animal-friendly properties or pet-related investments.

When reaching out to Alanna Davis ensure your pitch is tailored towards providing informative guidance about caring for pets and maintaining homes while considering her audience's location preferences.

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Based on similarity of content.
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Culture & Society, Scientific, House & Home, Tragedy, World Affairs
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Scientific, Culture & Society, Pets, Family & Relationships, Government & Politics
Most recent topics
Pets, Scientific, House & Home, Gaming, Culture & Society
Most recent topics
House & Home, Pets, Personal Finance, Travel & Tourism, Culture & Society
Most recent topics
House & Home, Scientific, Pets, Gaming, Family & Relationships
Most recent topics
Pets, House & Home, Scientific, Culture & Society, Food & Beverage