Alice O'Connor


Preston's Summary

Alice O'Connor is a Grampians Champion and journalist for rockpapershotgun. She covers a wide range of topics in the gaming industry, including game reviews, news, and features. With a focus on providing entertaining and informative content, Alice's articles offer insights into the latest gaming trends and developments.

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Coverage Attributes:

Seasonal: 33 %
Review: 25 %
Press Release: 15 %
Event Coverage: 11 %
Promotional Deal: 4 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Video games
  • Indie games
  • Game development
  • Gaming community
  • Game updates

Pitching Insights

Alice O'Connor's coverage largely revolves around the gaming industry, with a strong emphasis on event coverage and seasonal content. She frequently covers new releases, events, and industry news within the gaming world. Pitches to her should be tailored to fit these themes, such as offering insights into upcoming game releases or major gaming events.

Given her focus on event coverage and reviews, she may respond well to pitches that offer exclusive access or early previews of upcoming games or gaming-related events. Additionally, given her interest in seasonal content such as holiday-themed editions of Screenshot Saturday Mondays, pitches could include unique angles related to specific seasons or holidays.

As Alice does not have a specified geographic focus but rather focuses on global topics within the gaming industry, consider providing international perspectives when pitching relevant stories from different parts of the world.

This information evolves through artificial intelligence and human feedback. Improve this profile .

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Based on similarity of content.
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