Angie Menjivar

Conscious Copywriting


Preston's Summary

Angie Menjivar is a writer for Whale Generator, specializing in conscious copywriting. With a wide range of topics, Angie explores scientific discoveries, animal behavior, pet care, astrology, and other intriguing subjects. Her articles provide informative and engaging content for readers interested in a variety of topics.

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Geo Focus

Madison, Wisconsin, United States (Local)

Coverage Attributes:

How To Guide: 20 %
Promotional Deal: 20 %
Expert Commentary: 13 %
Review: 10 %
Cites Data: 10 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Pets
  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Veterinary Care
  • Travel
  • Airports
  • Geography
  • Health
  • Gemstones
  • Marvel Comics
  • Food

Pitching Insights

Angie's coverage focuses on articles related to pets, animals, nature, health and science. She often provides how-to guides and expert commentary in her content. If you have expertise in animal behavior, pet care or veterinary medicine, providing insights around these topics could be of interest to Angie.

If you are knowledgeable about specific pet products or have experience with particular breeds of animals that align with the themes she covers (house & home, family & relationships), your input may resonate well with her audience.

Given the broad range of topics covered by Angie Menjivar, offering unique insights into lesser-known aspects of pet care or scientific discoveries related to animals might catch her attention.

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