Austin Stanovich

Preston's Summary

Austin Stanovich is a sports journalist who specializes in ice hockey. He writes for Yardbarker and The Hockey News, and his work has also appeared in The Hockey Writers. Austin's articles cover a range of topics in the hockey world, including team analysis, player profiles, and game previews.

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Coverage Attributes:

Announcement: 52 %
Investment Analysis: 15 %
Event Coverage: 15 %
Expert Commentary: 10 %
Industry Specific: 5 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Hockey
  • Los Angeles Kings
  • NHL
  • Player Trades
  • Player Development

Pitching Insights

Austin Stanovich focuses heavily on the NBA and, more specifically, the Kings basketball team. His coverage includes training camp updates, player spotlights, and game previews. Given his emphasis on announcements and investment analysis alongside expert commentary, he may be receptive to pitches that provide in-depth insights into potential trades or contract negotiations involving players from the Sacramento Kings.

As Austin does not have a specific geographic focus mentioned but covers an NBA team based in Sacramento (California), relevant local context could enhance your pitch. If you have expertise related to trade rumors or insight into player performance that aligns with his article themes, it may increase your chances of successful outreach.

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