We get it, there are a lot of condiments to look after these days. Most Americans have a refrigerator door overflowing with hot sauces, mustards, salad dressings, and ketchups. So you can be forgiven if it's hard to keep track of what needs to be stored cold and what can go in the cabinet. If you're eyeing a bottle of fish sauce you bought for a batch of pad thai, don't worry, you don't need to make room in the fridge. Thanks to its very high salt content, fish sauce is perfectly safe to store at room temperature.
Betsy Parks is a Contributing Writer at Brew Your Own and WineMakerMag magazines. She focuses on the food and beverage industry, covering topics such as retail, e-commerce, and consumer travel, with a particular interest in popular brands like Costco and Trader Joe's. Betsy's work has been featured in Yahoo Finance, The TakeOut, Yahoo News UK, Yahoo News, Yahoo Sports Canada, NewsBreak, Daily Meal, Food Republic, and Yahoo Sports UK.