Candice Marshall

Digital Content Producer / Journalist

Preston's Summary

Candice Marshall is a Digital Content Producer and Journalist, specializing in local Australian stories. She writes for Australian Geographic and her work has also been featured in EIN Presswire. Candice covers a range of topics including nature, history, and environmental issues, with a focus on highlighting the unique stories and experiences of Australia.

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Geo Focus

Australia (National)

Coverage Attributes:

Cites Data: 25 %
Industry Specific: 10 %
Event Coverage: 8 %
Indepth: 8 %
Expert Commentary: 6 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Australian History
  • Australian Wildlife
  • Indigenous Culture
  • Environmental Conservation
  • Australian Geographic Magazine

Pitching Insights

Candice Marshall's focus covers a wide range of scientific and cultural topics, with an emphasis on nature, wildlife, and Australian-focused content. Her articles often cite data, indicating a preference for fact-based reporting.

If you want to reach out to Candice with pitches or expertise in the areas she covers, consider offering scientifically backed insights related to nature conservation efforts in Australia, noteworthy wildlife discoveries or initiatives within the country. Additionally, historical or cultural information tied to Australian natural landmarks could also be of interest.

Given her coverage attributes and themes covered it is important that any outreach provides relevant data-driven insights into these topics.

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