Chris Rowlands

Preston's Summary

Chris Rowlands is a freelance alliterator with a passion for exploring a wide range of topics. From reviewing the best flasks and tech accessories to sharing tips on photography and outdoor gear, Chris's work can be found in publications such as TechRadar Pro and THE TIMES OF BENGAL. With a background that almost led to a career in law, Chris brings a unique perspective to his writing and enjoys delving into subjects that capture his curiosity.

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Coverage Attributes:

Promotional Deal: 45 %
Review: 20 %
Gift Guides: 14 %
How To Guide: 5 %
Seasonal: 4 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Technology
  • Consumer Electronics
  • Photography
  • Outdoor Gear
  • Gift Ideas
  • Home Security

Pitching Insights

Chris Rowlands' focus is on product reviews, promotional deals, and gift guides related to outdoor gear, photography, technology, and home appliances. He seems particularly interested in providing readers with guidance on purchasing decisions.

If you are a brand or company offering products within Chris's areas of interest (outdoor gear, photography equipment, technology gadgets), he might be open to receiving pitches about new product launches or unique promotions that can benefit his audience. Additionally, experts who can provide valuable insights into the latest trends in these categories could also capture his attention.

Given the nature of his coverage attributes and themes covered, it appears that Chris may not have a specific geographic focus but instead aims for a broad international appeal when featuring products.

This information evolves through artificial intelligence and human feedback. Improve this profile .

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