Connor D. Wolf

Preston's Summary

Connor D. Wolf is a journalist who writes for Transport Topics. He covers a wide range of topics related to the transportation industry, including autonomous trucks, truck sales, driver recruitment, and the impact of global events on the trucking sector. Connor provides insightful reporting and analysis to keep readers informed about the latest developments in the industry.

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Geo Focus


Coverage Attributes:

Cites Data: 43 %
Press Release: 31 %
Private Sector Announcements: 13 %
Investment Analysis: 4 %
Government Announcement: 3 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Trucking Industry
  • Transportation
  • Cargo Theft
  • Truck Sales
  • Financial Reports
  • Technology in Transportation

Pitching Insights

Connor D. Wolf's coverage primarily focuses on the transportation & logistics industry, specifically in the trucking sector. His articles often include data citations and expert commentary, indicating a preference for fact-based insights from industry experts.

If you're looking to reach out to Connor with pitches, consider offering access to exclusive data or statistics related to the trucking industry trends or developments. Additionally, he may be interested in hearing from knowledgeable professionals who can provide expert analysis on topics such as autonomous trucks, supply chain disruptions, or trends in truck sales and freight movements.

Since his geographic focus is not specified but his coverage includes US-centric news like "US Trucking Faces Downstream Effects From Suez Canal Attacks," it would be beneficial to tailor your pitches with a focus on relevant developments within the United States while also considering international implications when applicable.

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