Davide Xu

Freelance Writer

Preston's Summary

Davide Xu is a freelance writer specializing in esports. With a focus on League of Legends, Davide covers the latest news, updates, and rankings in the competitive gaming scene. His work has been featured in Esports Insider, Esports.net, and Dot Esports.

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Coverage Attributes:

Press Release: 37 %
Event Coverage: 29 %
Private Sector Announcements: 23 %
Cites Data: 2 %
Government Announcement: 2 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Esports
  • League of Legends
  • Esports Partnerships
  • Esports Events
  • Esports Organizations

Pitching Insights

Davide Xu's articles focus largely on event coverage and press releases within the sports and gaming industry, specifically around League of Legends (LoL) and Esports. His content often features rankings, new champion announcements, patch details, and talent lineups.

For effective outreach to Davide Xu, consider providing exclusive insights into upcoming events in the world of LoL or Esports. Additionally, if you have insider knowledge about player rankings or forthcoming game updates that would interest his audience keenly interested in these topics it could be a valuable pitch.

As Davide does not specify a geographic focus but covers international esports leagues such as LCK, LPL, LCS & LEC. Therefore if you are pitching stories related to these leagues ensure they are globally relevant rather than region-specific unless specified otherwise by him directly.

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