Elana Spivack

Staff Writer

Preston's Summary

Elana Spivack is a staff writer for Inverse, with a focus on a wide range of topics including science, technology, and culture. Her work has also been featured in publications such as Live Science, Scientific American, and Cigalah Group. Elana's articles explore intriguing scientific discoveries, debunk myths, and provide insights into various aspects of everyday life.

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Coverage Attributes:

Cites Data: 73 %
Expert Commentary: 12 %
Industry Specific: 5 %
Evolving Stories: 1 %
Opinion Editorial: 1 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Health
  • Nutrition
  • Pets
  • Science
  • Evolution
  • Wellness

Pitching Insights

Elana's articles predominantly focus on scientific topics, particularly those related to animal behavior, psychology, and health. Her coverage emphasizes data-backed insights and expert commentary.

If you are considering reaching out to Elana with a pitch or expertise in any of the specific scientific topics she covers, ensure that your content is backed by credible data or research. Additionally, offering expert commentary from professionals in relevant fields would likely capture her attention.

As Elana doesn't have a specified geographic focus but instead explores diverse scientific themes, consider tailoring your pitches to align with her interest in specific subjects such as animal behavior, psychology, and health-related scientific advancements.

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Most recent topics
Pets, House & Home, Food & Beverage, Family & Relationships, Culture & Society
Most recent topics
Health & Wellbeing, Scientific, Healthcare & Pharmaceutical, Food & Beverage, Family & Relationships
Most recent topics
Scientific, Health & Wellbeing, Family & Relationships, Food & Beverage, Healthcare & Pharmaceutical
Most recent topics
Entertainment News, Pets, House & Home, Family & Relationships, Health & Wellbeing
Most recent topics
Health & Wellbeing, Scientific, Family & Relationships, Healthcare & Pharmaceutical, Food & Beverage
Most recent topics
Food & Beverage, Scientific, Family & Relationships, Health & Wellbeing, House & Home