Elyse Smith

Preston's Summary

Elyse Smith is a journalist based in Buffalo, New York, writing for WGRZ. With a focus on local weather and environmental news, Elyse provides forecasts, storm updates, and information on weather-related events in the Buffalo area. Additionally, she engages with readers through her "Ask Elyse" column, answering questions about various weather phenomena.

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Geo Focus

Buffalo, New York, United States (Local)

Coverage Attributes:

Seasonal: 29 %
Event Coverage: 28 %
Evolving Stories: 10 %
Government Announcement: 9 %
Cites Data: 8 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Severe Weather
  • Forecast

Pitching Insights

Elyse Smith's coverage is heavily focused on local weather, particularly in the Buffalo area. She frequently covers event-specific forecasts and seasonal changes, suggesting she would be interested in receiving pitches related to upcoming weather events or unique weather phenomena specific to her geographic focus.

Given Elyse's emphasis on seasonal and event coverage, consider pitching insights that provide valuable context or tips for preparing for specific weather events relevant to the Buffalo area. For example, providing expert advice on storm preparedness during severe weather weeks may resonate with her audience.

As a meteorologist covering primarily local weather patterns and conditions in Buffalo and New York state, Elyse would likely appreciate pitches from experts who can provide localized insights into potential impacts of severe weather or offer specialized knowledge about forecasting techniques tailored to this region.

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