Esat Dedezade

Freelance Writer, Blogger & Editor logo Freelance writer, journalist, and content creator

Preston's Summary

Esat Dedezade is a freelance writer, journalist, and content creator with a diverse range of interests. From tech and gadgets to lifestyle and gaming, Esat covers a wide variety of topics. With work featured in publications such as GQ Magazine and Trusted Reviews, Esat brings a unique perspective and a love for cats to his writing.

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Coverage Attributes:

Promotional Deal: 36 %
Review: 10 %
How To Guide: 10 %
Press Release: 9 %
Private Sector Announcements: 9 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Technology
  • Gadgets
  • Smartphones
  • Fitness
  • Home Security
  • Audio Technology

Pitching Insights

Esat's coverage primarily focuses on technology, gadgets, home improvement, and gifts. His articles include promotional deals, reviews, and gift guides related to lifestyle and house & home topics.

For effective outreach to Esat Dedezade, consider providing information about innovative or unique products in the technology or home improvement space that align with his focus on promoting new tech releases and offering gift guides. Additionally, if you represent a brand with a new product launch or promotional deal within these areas of interest, it may be worth pitching this as potential content for his articles.

This information evolves through artificial intelligence and human feedback. Improve this profile .

Journalists With Similar Coverage:

Based on similarity of content.
Most recent topics
Product Promotions, Gaming, Big Tech, Deals & Promotions, Beauty & Fashion
Most recent topics
Tech, Gaming, Product Promotions, Entertainment News, Deals & Promotions
Most recent topics
Product Promotions, House & Home, Deals & Promotions, Gaming, Beauty & Fashion
Most recent topics
Gaming, Beauty & Fashion, Product Promotions, House & Home, Content & Publishing
Most recent topics
Product Promotions, Content & Publishing, Beauty & Fashion, Big Tech, Deals & Promotions
Most recent topics
Entertainment News, House & Home, Gaming, Product Promotions, Deals & Promotions