RITZVILLE – Two strong volleyball teams from the 2B classification met on Saturday, as the Lind-Ritzville/Sprague Broncos fell 3-0 to the Manson Trojans in a rematch of last season’s 2B state championship game.“There was a lot of excitement,” LRS Head Coach Cari Galbreath said. “I think my team was looking forward to seeing them again, and that level of play is always special and helps us grow as a team.”
Ian Bivona is a Senior Sports Reporter at various publications including Basin Business Journal, Columbia Basin Herald, NewsBreak, and Yakima Herald-Republic. He covers a wide range of topics within the sports realm, focusing on competitive sports, sports business, and professional sports, with special attention to softball, baseball, football, and the Dallas Mavericks. Ian's work has been featured in prominent outlets, showcasing his expertise in the dynamic world of sports journalism.