Iryna Shkurhan


Preston's Summary

Iryna Shkurhan is a reporter focusing on local news in Queens, New York. She writes for and her work has also appeared in BQE Media & Marketing. Iryna covers a range of topics including community events, local businesses, transportation issues, and environmental conservation.

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Geo Focus

Queens, New York, United States (Local)

Coverage Attributes:

Government Announcement: 30 %
Event Coverage: 30 %
Legal Policy Regulation: 10 %
Press Release: 9 %
Evolving Stories: 5 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Queens Community Events
  • Local Politics
  • Community Activism
  • Youth Empowerment
  • Environmental Conservation
  • Charity Fundraising

Pitching Insights

Iryna Shkurhan's coverage primarily focuses on local events, community news, and politics within Queens, New York. Her articles often include coverage of government announcements and local events. Given this focus, individuals or organizations seeking to reach out should consider providing information about upcoming local events in Queens or relevant political developments affecting the area.

For those looking to engage with Iryna Shkurhan, it would be beneficial to offer insights into community issues and developments within Queens. Additionally, pitches related to cultural events, educational initiatives impacting the community, and stories highlighting the experiences of families and residents may align well with her areas of interest.

This information evolves through artificial intelligence and human feedback. Improve this profile .

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Based on similarity of content.
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Culture & Society, Entertainment News, Government & Politics, Crime, Education
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, Sports, Crime, Education, Real Estate Industry
Most recent topics
Crime, Entertainment News, Government & Politics, Sports, Culture & Society
Most recent topics
Crime, Real Estate Industry, Education, Entertainment News, Culture & Society
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, Entertainment News, Education, Culture & Society, House & Home
Most recent topics
Crime, Education, Government & Politics, Entertainment News, Culture & Society