Jacob Bell

Senior Reporter

Preston's Summary

Jacob Bell is a Senior Reporter for BioPharma Dive, with previous experience at TheStreet, Education Week, and McClatchy DC. Jacob's reporting focuses on the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, covering topics such as drug development, regulatory updates, and industry trends. His work has also been featured in GeeksULTD.

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Coverage Attributes:

Press Release: 37 %
Cites Data: 28 %
Private Sector Announcements: 15 %
Investment Analysis: 5 %
Government Announcement: 5 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Drug Development
  • FDA
  • Biotech
  • Mental Health
  • Neurological Disorders

Pitching Insights

Jacob Bell's coverage is heavily focused on the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries, with particular attention to biotechnology. His articles often incorporate press releases and data citations, indicating a preference for factual and industry-specific information.

Given his focus on private sector announcements, Jacob may be interested in pitches related to new product launches, significant investments or acquisitions within the healthcare and biotech sectors. Furthermore, he might be open to expert commentary from professionals well-versed in various aspects of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, neurological diseases such as ALS research or gene therapy.

As there is no specific geographic focus mentioned for Jacob's coverage area, it would be beneficial to provide globally relevant insights pertaining to the topics covered.

This information evolves through artificial intelligence and human feedback. Improve this profile .

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