Jamie Bichelman

Preston's Summary

Jamie Bichelman is a journalist for Green Matters, specializing in a wide range of topics including sustainability, animal rights, technology, and pop culture. With a passion for uncovering unique and thought-provoking stories, Jamie strives to shed light on important issues and inspire readers to make positive changes in their lives and the world around them.

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Coverage Attributes:

Cites Data: 18 %
How To Guide: 16 %
Promotional Deal: 10 %
Government Announcement: 8 %
Exclusive: 8 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Donation and Recycling
  • Food and Cooking
  • Health and Wellness
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Animals and Wildlife
  • Clothing and Fashion
  • Fitness and Exercise
  • Home Remedies
  • State Laws
  • Nature and Wildlife

Pitching Insights

Jamie's articles cover a wide range of topics related to scientific discoveries, pets, culture & society. Her coverage attributes reveal a preference for citing data and government announcements.

Given Jamie's diverse coverage on scientific, pet-related, and cultural topics, she may be interested in receiving pitches from experts who can provide insights or commentary on recent studies or developments in these areas. For example, offering expert opinions on animal welfare issues, technological advancements impacting pets or environmental concerns could be well received by Jamie.

Since her geographic focus is not specified but the themes covered are universal, it’s important to tailor outreach efforts with an international perspective in mind.

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Journalists With Similar Coverage:

Based on similarity of content.
Most recent topics
Pets, House & Home, Food & Beverage, Family & Relationships, Culture & Society
Most recent topics
House & Home, Scientific, Food & Beverage, Beauty & Fashion, Pets
Most recent topics
Scientific, House & Home, Personal Finance, Food & Beverage, Beauty & Fashion
Most recent topics
Entertainment News, Pets, House & Home, Family & Relationships, Health & Wellbeing
Most recent topics
Health & Wellbeing, Scientific, Family & Relationships, Healthcare & Pharmaceutical, Food & Beverage
Most recent topics
Food & Beverage, Scientific, Family & Relationships, Health & Wellbeing, House & Home