Janelle Griffith

National reporter

Preston's Summary

Janelle Griffith is a national reporter for NBC News, specializing in covering race and policing. With a background in journalism and a focus on social issues, Janelle's work aims to shed light on important stories and provide a voice for marginalized communities.

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Geo Focus

United States (National)

Coverage Attributes:

Evolving Stories: 37 %
Breaking News: 25 %
Legal Policy Regulation: 19 %
Government Announcement: 12 %
Cites Data: 4 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Legal issues
  • Law enforcement
  • Civil rights
  • Police misconduct
  • Criminal justice

Pitching Insights

Janelle Griffith's coverage predominantly focuses on crime, legal policy regulation, and evolving stories. She also covers entertainment news to some extent. Given this, she is likely to be interested in receiving pitches related to breaking news or evolving stories within the crime and civil rights spheres.

Additionally, Janelle has shown an interest in covering lawsuits and police misconduct cases. Therefore, she may be receptive to pitches that involve expert commentary or perspectives on ongoing legal battles concerning these topics.

Considering her focus on tragic events and government announcements related to such incidents, providing insights into the societal impact of such events could make for compelling pitch angles.

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Journalists With Similar Coverage:

Based on similarity of content.
Most recent topics
Politics, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Government & Politics, General
Most recent topics
Crime, Government & Politics, Family & Relationships, Entertainment News, Culture & Society
Most recent topics
Crime, Family & Relationships, Government & Politics, Entertainment News, Tragedy
Most recent topics
Crime, Entertainment News, Government & Politics, Culture & Society, Family & Relationships
Most recent topics
Crime, Government & Politics, Entertainment News, Family & Relationships, Culture & Society
Most recent topics
Crime, Government & Politics, Entertainment News, Family & Relationships, Education