Our second film was the first stop-action animated film to ever win the "Best Animated Film" Oscar, and introduced American audiences to a franchise much beloved in the United Kingdom! Directed by Steve Box and Nick Park, and written by that duo and Mark Burton, 2005's "Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit" tells the story of absent-minded inventor Wallace (voiced by Peter Sallis) and his dog Gromit (who doesn't ever speak), proprietors of Anti-Pesto, a company dedicated to protecting vegetable crops from hungry bunnies! They've been very successful, thanks to Wallace's inventions, but when Lady Campanula Tottington (voiced by Helena Bonham Carter) calls on the pair, it's time to up their game! At the same time, we also meet Lady Tottington's unwanted suitor, Victor Quartermain (voiced by Ralph Fiennes), whose solution is much more violent, and permanent, than she's comfortable with. Wallace hits on an idea to use his latest invention, the Mind Manipulation-O-Matic, to reprogram the bunnies to avoid eating the town's vegetables. Unfortunately, the experiment goes a bit wrong and, shortly thereafter, a giant Were-Rabbit is terrorizing gardens all through the community! It's up to Wallace and Gromit to solve the problem, save the day, and keep Lord Quartermain from marrying Lady Tottington! But even that task isn't as simple as our duo might hope, as the Were-Rabbit turns out to be especially problematic in several ways! Plus, the guys reveal which two films, from what Jeff describes as "the best horror franchise of the 21st century," will make up the next pairing!…
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