Jennifer Stone

Preston's Summary

Jennifer Stone is a journalist whose work has appeared in PLOS. She covers a wide range of topics including music, entertainment, and pop culture. Jennifer is known for her insightful and engaging articles that provide readers with the latest updates and news in the music industry.

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Coverage Attributes:

Event Coverage: 34 %
Press Release: 10 %
Private Sector Announcements: 9 %
Seasonal: 7 %
Expert Commentary: 6 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Music
  • Music Artists
  • Music Videos
  • Celebrity News
  • Beauty Brands
  • Hip-Hop

Pitching Insights

Jennifer Stone's coverage primarily focuses on entertainment news, particularly music and pop culture. She seems to prioritize event coverage and private sector announcements related to the entertainment industry. If you aim to reach out effectively, consider offering exclusive insights or interviews with musicians, celebrities, or industry insiders regarding their latest projects, events they are involved in, or significant announcements.

As Jennifer doesn't have a specified geographic focus, she is likely interested in covering international as well as local stories within the entertainment industry. When reaching out to her with potential pitches or sources for articles related to music and pop culture topics such as albums releases, concerts, celebrity news and gossip would be most aligned with her area of interest.

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