By: Joe Malinconico
High school student Robert Cuadra was killed in the crossfire of a gang shootout on a block of Godwin Avenue long known for gun violence.
Paterson, United States (Local)
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Joe Malinconico's coverage heavily focuses on local government, crime, and community issues in Paterson, New Jersey. He often reports on evolving stories and breaking news related to these themes.
If you're looking to pitch Joe Malinconico, consider providing insights or commentary from local authorities or experts knowledgeable about the specific topics in Paterson. Additionally, personal stories of impact within the community may resonate with his coverage focus.
Given his emphasis on Paterson-specific news and events, pitches should be tailored to this geographic area and address relevant aspects of local governance, crime statistics, police-community relations as well as educational developments that have implications for residents in that region.
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