John Beckett

Preston's Summary

John Beckett is a writer for Patheos, Inc., specializing in topics related to Paganism and spirituality. With a focus on exploring the future of Paganism, celebrating seasonal rituals, and sharing personal insights, John's articles offer a unique perspective on the intersection of faith, culture, and personal growth.

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Coverage Attributes:

Opinion Editorial: 45 %
Expert Commentary: 18 %
Seasonal: 9 %
Review: 6 %
Industry Specific: 6 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Paganism
  • Magic
  • Spirituality
  • Religion
  • Mythology
  • Philosophy

Pitching Insights

John Beckett's coverage suggests a focus on Paganism, spiritual practices, and related cultural and societal themes. He may be interested in expert commentaries from individuals with knowledge of pagan traditions, spirituality, and divination. Additionally, he seems open to opinion editorials related to these topics.

Given his interest in "Top Posts" and book-related content as well as the Winter Solstice theme, John might also appreciate pitches that offer unique perspectives or expertise on popular pagan literature or seasonal celebrations within the Pagan community.

It's important to note that John does not have a specified geographic focus but appears to cover international aspects of Paganism and similar spiritual practices.

This information evolves through artificial intelligence and human feedback. Improve this profile .

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