Joshua Askew


Preston's Summary

Joshua Askew is a journalist who has written for various publications including Yahoo News, Euronews, Yahoo Sports Canada, and The Moscow Times. His articles cover a wide range of topics including international conflicts, human rights issues, social issues, and current events. Joshua's work has also been featured in Yahoo News UK and the Cigalah Group.

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Geo Focus


Coverage Attributes:

Evolving Stories: 26 %
Breaking News: 20 %
Government Announcement: 17 %
Cites Data: 15 %
Legal Policy Regulation: 13 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • International Relations
  • Conflict
  • Military
  • Human Rights
  • European Politics
  • Crisis Management

Pitching Insights

Joshua Askew covers a wide range of topics, with significant focus on government & politics and world affairs. His articles often cover evolving stories and breaking news in these areas, frequently citing data and official announcements.

If you are reaching out to Joshua, consider providing insights or expert commentary related to ongoing geopolitical conflicts such as the Russia-Ukraine conflict or Israel-Gaza tensions. Topics like UK immigration policy, LGBT rights in Russia, and conservation efforts in Estonia may also appeal to him based on his coverage themes.

Given his frequent use of data and citations from official sources, pitching well-researched analysis backed by credible data could increase your chances of engagement with Joshua.

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Most recent topics
World Affairs, Government & Politics, Entertainment News, Culture & Society, Crime
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, World Affairs, Culture & Society, Crime, Tragedy
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, World Affairs, Culture & Society, Crime, Entertainment News
Most recent topics
World Affairs, Government & Politics, Culture & Society, Crime, Entertainment News