Kelly Anne Smith



Preston's Summary

Kelly Anne Smith is a Deputy Editor at Forbes Advisor, specializing in decoding how the economy affects individuals' financial well-being. With her contributions appearing in Forbes, Bankrate, Reader's Digest, and more, Kelly Anne covers a wide range of topics related to personal finance and provides valuable insights to help readers make informed financial decisions.

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Geo Focus

United States (National)

Coverage Attributes:

Cites Data: 47 %
How To Guide: 16 %
Expert Commentary: 9 %
Government Announcement: 8 %
Legal Policy Regulation: 6 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Pets
  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Pet Ownership
  • Driving
  • Rental Markets

Pitching Insights

Kelly Anne Smith's coverage predominantly focuses on pets, specifically dogs and their health. She frequently cites data and provides how-to guides, indicating a strong interest in evidence-based information and practical advice for pet owners. Therefore, she would likely be interested in receiving pitches from experts in veterinary medicine or pet care who can provide reliable insights into dog breeds, health issues, or general pet care.

Given the focus on citing data and providing how-to guides related to pets' well-being, offering access to new research findings or expert tips could be effective when reaching out to Kelly Anne Smith. Additionally, topics related to responsible pet ownership or state-specific trends may also align with her content preferences.

As there is no specified geographic focus for Kelly Anne Smith's articles, her coverage appears inclusive of national as well as international perspectives on pets and finance-related topics pertaining to animal care.

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