Last Wednesday, November 27th, the day before Thanksgiving, Jim Corsar and Chuck Allegrini got off to an adventuresome start to their golf round. Off the number one tee, Chuck hit his drive to the left side of the fairway. Chuck had to punch his next shot because of his ball position. Punching a shot in golf means you keep the ball low, which is a line drive. You need to punch a shot if there are low-hanging limbs or something obstructing your direct flight to the green. Being the good golfer, Chuck is he hit a nice low-line drive punch right toward Jim Corsar who was standing down the fairway. With his eyes tracking the quickly approaching ball, Jim jumped up and spread his legs, creating a space for Chuck's ball to continue its journey right between his legs. Nice shot, Chuck. Nice jump, Jim. A shot or so later, Chuck was on the first green. Hearing the word fore bellowed in the air, Chuck briefly glanced over his right shoulder and saw a ball headed towards him.
Larry Miller is an Assistant Professor at [Employer]. He focuses on sports and competitive sports, with particular interests in sports business, golf, and social issues. His work has been featured in WPMT FOX43, Fort Bragg Advocate News, Global Trade Magazine, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Advocate News, WUSA-TV, Rethinking Schools, Miami County Republic,, Variety, and WLTX-TV.