My Life With the Walter Boys follows Jackie Howard as she moves to rural Colorado to live with the Walter family and ends up in a love triangle with two of the Walter boys – Alex and Cole. But who plays Alex in My Life With the Walter Boys and what exactly is his story? Ashby Gentry Plays Alex Walter in My Life With the Walter Boys Newcomer Ashby Gentry plays Alex Walter in My Life With the Walter Boys. Gentry appeared in one episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark? before his turn as Alex, the younger brother […]
Lissete Lanuza is a journalist and writer who focuses on entertainment and pop culture. She has written for various publications including The Escapist Magazine, Fangirlish, Remezcla, and Comic Book Resources. Lissete's articles cover a range of topics such as TV shows, movies, and books, providing insights, analysis, and updates for fans.