Mark Bretz

Preston's Summary

Mark Bretz is a journalist and writer specializing in local theater reviews and coverage in St. Louis, Missouri. With a focus on the vibrant theater scene in the area, Mark provides insightful and engaging articles that highlight the performances, productions, and talent within the community.

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Geo Focus

St. Louis, Missouri, United States (Local)

Coverage Attributes:

Event Coverage: 44 %
Expert Commentary: 13 %
Review: 6 %
Private Sector Announcements: 6 %
Announcement: 4 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Theater
  • St. Louis
  • Performances
  • Awards
  • Drama

Pitching Insights

Mark Bretz's coverage predominantly focuses on theater and productions in St. Louis, Missouri. He frequently provides expert commentary and reviews of local theatrical events. If you're involved in the local theater scene or have insights into specific productions, reaching out to offer an insider perspective or exclusive information about upcoming shows could capture his attention.

As he concentrates heavily on event coverage within the entertainment sector, consider pitching newsworthy stories related to theater openings, unique performances, or industry trends in St. Louis specifically.

Mark consistently highlights drama and comedy-focused productions while providing expert commentary; therefore, offering insights into these types of performances may resonate with him when crafting your pitch.

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