The Honda NX500 was recently launched in India to replace the brand’s only 500cc motorcycle- the CB500X. While the NX is based on the latter, it comes with features that are new and set it apart from the CB. That said, the motorcycle has been priced at Rs 5.90 lakh, ex-showroom making it just Rs 5,000 more expensive than its rival- the Benelli TRK 502 and considerably cheaper than the Kawasaki Versys 650. Here we list the on-road prices of the Honda NX500 in the top 10 cities of India.
Neil Nair is an Auto Journo at BikeWale. He specializes in covering the automotive landscape in India, with a particular focus on brands like Honda and BMW, as well as insights into the markets of Japan and Malaysia. Neil's work has been featured in BikeWale, where he combines his passion for biking with his love for food and dogs.