Noa Hoffman

Political Reporter

Preston's Summary

Noa Hoffman is a political reporter with a focus on national issues in the United Kingdom. She writes for The Sun and The Irish Sun, and her work has also been featured in The US Sun and The Scottish Sun. Noa covers a range of topics including government policies, political scandals, crime, and social issues.

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Geo Focus

United Kingdom (National)

Coverage Attributes:

Government Announcement: 33 %
Legal Policy Regulation: 24 %
Evolving Stories: 19 %
Cites Data: 12 %
Event Coverage: 4 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • UK Politics
  • Labour Party
  • Conservative Party
  • Nigel Farage
  • Election Campaigns
  • Tax Policies

Pitching Insights

Noa's coverage primarily focuses on government and politics in the United Kingdom, with a strong emphasis on legal policy regulation and government announcements. Based on her articles, she is likely to be most receptive to pitches related to UK political developments, legislative changes, or issues concerning crime and justice system.

Given Noa's focus on evolving stories and legal policy regulations, she may find value in receiving expert commentary from professionals within the legal or political fields who can provide insightful analysis of ongoing developments or proposed legislation.

Considering the geographic focus of her reporting is national (United Kingdom), pitching topics that specifically relate to UK governmental policies, laws, education initiatives or significant political events would likely resonate well with her coverage area.

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Based on similarity of content.
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Government & Politics, Culture & Society, Entertainment News, Finance & Economy, Education
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, Finance & Economy, Entertainment News, Crime, World Affairs
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Government & Politics, World Affairs, Travel & Tourism, Business & Industry, Legal & Compliance
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, Crime, Culture & Society, Energy, Finance & Economy
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, Finance & Economy, World Affairs, Crime, Human Resources & Employment
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, Entertainment News, Finance & Economy, Scientific, Pets