Reid Kerr

Preston's Summary

Reid Kerr is a journalist based in Tyler, Texas, who primarily writes for the Tyler Morning Telegraph. His articles focus on local sports, particularly football, and he has also had work featured in the Denton Media Company. Reid's writing often includes analysis, predictions, and reflections on the NFL and college football.

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Geo Focus

Tyler, Texas, United States (Local)

Coverage Attributes:

Announcement: 42 %
Seasonal: 42 %
Opinion Editorial: 14 %

Themes Covered:

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Pitching Insights

Reid Kerr's coverage is heavily focused on sports, particularly the NFL and college football. His articles mainly fall into the categories of announcement and seasonal content, with a significant portion being opinion editorials. This indicates that he may be open to receiving pitches related to upcoming events in the world of American football, especially those tied to specific seasons or holidays.

Given his geographic focus on Texas (specifically Tyler), it might be beneficial for PR professionals representing local teams or events in this area to reach out with relevant news or stories about athletes from this region.

For those looking to pitch Reid Kerr, consider offering unique insights or personal experiences related to the NFL and college football season as well as reflections on past games and predictions for future ones.

This information evolves through artificial intelligence and human feedback. Improve this profile .

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