Ricardo Serrano Denis

Preston's Summary

Ricardo Serrano Denis is a journalist for The Beat, specializing in horror-related content. With a keen interest in the genre, Ricardo covers a wide range of topics including horror films, comics, video games, and literature. His articles provide insights, reviews, and analysis for horror enthusiasts.

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Coverage Attributes:

Review: 30 %
Event Coverage: 15 %
Expert Commentary: 12 %
Seasonal: 9 %
Press Release: 9 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Horror
  • Comics
  • Wrestling
  • Graphic Novels
  • Film Review

Pitching Insights

Ricardo’s coverage primarily focuses on horror entertainment, with a strong emphasis on gaming and comic-related content. His articles include reviews, event coverage, and expert commentary related to horror media.

Pitching ideas that tie into the horror genre within gaming or comics could be particularly effective. Additionally, given his focus on seasonal content (e.g., themed holiday guides), providing pitches around upcoming events or celebrations tied to the horror genre may also resonate well with Ricardo.

Given his interest in Mexican culture and representation, pitches that incorporate these elements into the context of the horror genre could also capture his attention.

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