Robert L. Montgomery

Preston's Summary

Robert L. Montgomery is a journalist who writes for the Asheville Citizen-Times Media Group and Yahoo News. His articles focus on political and social issues, with an emphasis on the impact of wealth disparity, the importance of truth in democracy, and the potential dangers of isolationism. Montgomery's work aims to promote thoughtful discourse and challenge prevailing narratives.

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Geo Focus

United States (National)

Coverage Attributes:

Opinion Editorial: 57 %
Legal Policy Regulation: 28 %
Expert Commentary: 7 %
Industry Specific: 5 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Democracy
  • Donald Trump
  • Religion
  • Press Freedom
  • Multi-ethnicity
  • Evolution

Pitching Insights

Robert L. Montgomery focuses on opinion editorials, legal policy regulation, and expert commentary related to culture & society and government & politics in the United States. He appears to be interested in topics such as democracy, religion, US constitution, and gerrymandering.

Given his focus on opinion pieces and legal policy regulation within the context of government & politics and culture & society themes, he might be receptive to pitches from experts or professionals with legal or political expertise who can provide insightful analysis or commentary on these subjects. Additionally, individuals with a deep understanding of social issues impacting American democracy may find success when reaching out for potential collaboration.

Considering that Robert's geographic focus is national (United States), any pitch should take into account its relevance to this specific audience while addressing broader cultural or political topics.

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Government & Politics, Culture & Society, World Affairs, Entertainment News, Politics
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Government & Politics, Culture & Society, Politics, Family & Relationships, World Affairs
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Government & Politics, Culture & Society, World Affairs, Scientific, Entertainment
Most recent topics
Culture & Society, Government & Politics, Family & Relationships, World Affairs, Politics
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, Culture & Society, Politics, World Affairs, Sports
Most recent topics
Culture & Society, Government & Politics, World Affairs, Entertainment News, Politics