Ryan Louis Mantilla

Coverage Attributes:

Private Sector Announcements: 51 %
Press Release: 19 %
Event Coverage: 15 %
Seasonal: 3 %
Promotional Deal: 2 %

Themes Covered:

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Most Recent Topics:

  • Celebrities
  • Comedy
  • Entertainment News
  • Film Industry
  • Plays & Musicals

Pitching Insights

Ryan Louis Mantilla focuses on entertainment news, particularly television shows, movies, actors/actresses, trailers, and streaming platforms. His coverage includes private sector announcements and press releases related to the entertainment industry.

Considering his focus on event coverage and private sector announcements in the entertainment industry, Ryan may be interested in exclusive interviews or behind-the-scenes insights from key figures involved in creating new television shows or films. Pitches offering exclusive access to production sets or cast interviews might resonate with him.

He does not specify a geographic focus but covers international content within the realm of TV shows and movies. Therefore, if reaching out with specific location-based content for events such as film festivals or national cinema awards ceremonies could align well with his interests.

This information evolves through artificial intelligence and human feedback. Improve this profile .

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