Stan Schroeder

Senior Editor, Mashable


Preston's Summary

Stan Schroeder is a Senior Editor at Mashable, where he covers a wide range of topics including technology, culture, and entertainment. With a focus on the next groundbreaking thing, Stan provides insights and analysis on the latest trends and innovations in the digital world. His work has also been featured in Knowledia.

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Coverage Attributes:

Press Release: 53 %
Cites Data: 11 %
Private Sector Announcements: 10 %
Event Coverage: 6 %
Review: 6 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Technology
  • Apple
  • SpaceX
  • Social Media
  • Artificial Intelligence

Pitching Insights

Stan Schroeder primarily covers product promotions and press releases related to technology, electronics, gadgets, software updates, and artificial intelligence. His articles focus on the latest developments in these areas and often include information about new products or updates.

Given this focus, pitches should highlight newsworthy aspects of products or technological advancements. For example, if you have insights into the development of a groundbreaking gadget or an upcoming software update that aligns with his coverage themes and topics covered, it would likely catch Stan's attention.

It's important to note that he does not seem to have a specific geographic focus as indicated by the coverage attributes provided.

This information evolves through artificial intelligence and human feedback. Improve this profile .

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