Taiyler Simone Mitchell

Taiyler Simone Mitchell


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Preston's Summary

Taiyler Simone Mitchell is a journalist and writer whose work focuses on news, social justice, and culture. She has contributed to publications such as HuffPost, Business Insider, and Insider, covering a range of topics including politics, entertainment, and current events. Taiyler is a member of the Writers Guild of America East and the National Association of Black Journalists.

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Coverage Attributes:

Evolving Stories: 34 %
Breaking News: 21 %
Government Announcement: 21 %
Legal Policy Regulation: 19 %
Cites Data: 1 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Nipsey Hussle
  • Malcolm X
  • Alcohol Liability
  • Alex Jones
  • Sanctuary Cities

Pitching Insights

Taiyler Simone Mitchell's coverage primarily revolves around politics, evolving stories, breaking news, and legal policy regulation. She appears to focus on high-profile individuals or cases that have significant political or legal implications.

Given the prevalence of evolving stories and breaking news in her articles, she would likely be receptive to pitches related to ongoing political controversies, notable court cases, or government announcements with far-reaching effects. Sources who can provide unique insights into these topics might find success in reaching out to Taiyler.

Her geographic focus is not specified but given the nature of her coverage which includes US-centric political and legal matters, relevant pitch angles should align with this context.

This information evolves through artificial intelligence and human feedback. Improve this profile .

Journalists With Similar Coverage:

Based on similarity of content.
Most recent topics
Politics, Government & Politics, Business, Agriculture & Farming, Entertainment
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, Entertainment News, Crime, Tragedy, Culture & Society
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, Entertainment News, Sports, Crime, World Affairs
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, Culture & Society, Entertainment News, Crime, Family & Relationships
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, Entertainment News, Crime, Culture & Society, Family & Relationships
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, Entertainment News, World Affairs, Crime, Sports