Terry Gilliam

Sports Writer

Preston's Summary

Terry Gilliam is a sports writer for WTXL ABC 27, specializing in local sports coverage in Tallahassee, Florida. With a passion for community engagement, Terry's articles highlight the impact of sports events on the local community, as well as stories of resilience, charity, and camaraderie in the world of sports. His work has also been featured in publications such as the Orlando Sentinel, The Herald Journal, Sun Sentinel Media Group, and Dark Horizons.

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Geo Focus

Tallahassee, Florida, United States (Local)

Coverage Attributes:

Event Coverage: 33 %
Government Announcement: 16 %
Announcement: 11 %
Evolving Stories: 9 %
Press Release: 7 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

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Pitching Insights

Terry Gilliam's work revolves around local community events in Tallahassee, Florida. He predominantly covers topics related to the Tallahassee community, mental health, FAMU football, and various initiatives supporting families and relationships.

Given his focus on local events and community support, Terry may be interested in pitches that highlight human interest stories within the Tallahassee area or provide insights into local initiatives aimed at improving mental health or family well-being. Additionally, he might appreciate coverage of FAMU football-related developments and its impact on the Southwest Tallahassee area.

As a journalist with a strong emphasis on event coverage and government announcements in a specific geographic region, reaching out with localized content relevant to these themes would likely resonate best with him.

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