Thomas Brewster

Senior writer

Preston's Summary

Thomas Brewster is a senior writer for Forbes, specializing in security, surveillance, and privacy. With a focus on investigative journalism, Thomas covers topics ranging from cybercrime and data breaches to government surveillance and online privacy issues. His reporting aims to shed light on the intersection of technology, privacy, and security in today's digital world.

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Geo Focus


Coverage Attributes:

Government Announcement: 21 %
Breaking News: 19 %
Evolving Stories: 12 %
Press Release: 12 %
Expert Commentary: 9 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Technology
  • Privacy Concerns
  • Surveillance
  • Cybersecurity
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Law Enforcement

Pitching Insights

Thomas Brewster's coverage focuses on breaking news, expert commentary, and exclusive reports in the areas of tech, privacy & cybersecurity, and crime. He would likely be receptive to sources who can provide timely expert insights into developments related to artificial intelligence, surveillance technologies, law enforcement practices or criminal behavior.

Given his focus on covering breaking news and obtaining exclusives in these areas, he may appreciate pitches that offer unique perspectives or insider knowledge on emerging cyber threats or privacy issues. Additionally, sources with expertise in legal matters pertaining to technology regulations could also be valuable contributors for his articles.

Based on the topics Thomas covers within the realm of tech and privacy & cybersecurity alongside crime-related themes such as surveillance and criminal behavior; relevant experts could include academics specializing in AI ethics and regulation or professionals with experience working at the intersection of technology development and law enforcement practices.

This information evolves through artificial intelligence and human feedback. Improve this profile .

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