By: Thomas Dobrow
Gilbert & Cook Inc. grew its position in shares of Schwab U.S. Large-Cap Growth ETF ( NYSEARCA:SCHG – Free Report ) by 294.1% in the 4th quarter, according
United States (National)
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Thomas Dobrow's coverage focuses on investment analysis and data citation, particularly in stock holdings and asset management. He is likely to be responsive to pitches that provide unique insights or data-driven analysis related to stock positions, short interest, and investment trends.
Given his focus on specific companies and their stock positions, Thomas may be most receptive to sources who can provide expert commentary or proprietary data related to these particular stocks or the broader market trends they represent.
While there is no specified geographic focus for Thomas Dobrow, his articles generally cover US-based companies listed on major exchanges such as NYSE and NASDAQ. Therefore, experts with knowledge of the US financial markets would likely be most relevant for pitching him.
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