Tomos Land

Staff Writer


Preston's Summary

Tomos Land is a staff writer for TRI247, a leading triathlon news and content platform. As a journalism and politics student at Cardiff University, Tomos covers a range of topics within the sport of triathlon, including race reports, athlete profiles, and news related to major competitions and events. His work has also been featured in Run247, providing in-depth coverage and analysis of the triathlon and running communities.

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Coverage Attributes:

Event Coverage: 91 %
Press Release: 2 %
Profile Feature: 1 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Triathlon
  • IRONMAN events
  • Olympic Games
  • Athletes
  • Competition

Pitching Insights

Tomos Land's coverage predominantly focuses on event coverage within the triathlon and endurance sports domain. Given this, he is likely to be interested in pitches that offer unique insights into athletes' performance, their preparation for events, or any significant milestones they achieve.

Pitches offering exclusive interviews with athletes competing in major events or those having a compelling story of resilience and determination are likely to resonate well with Tomos. Additionally, experts who can provide valuable commentary on the latest trends and developments within the world of triathlons and endurance sports may also capture his attention.

As there is no specified geographic focus for Tomos Land, sources related to global events and athletes from various regions may be equally relevant for his coverage.

This information evolves through artificial intelligence and human feedback. Improve this profile .

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