Zainab Noor

Preston's Summary

Zainab Noor is a local journalist based in the United Kingdom, focusing on community news and events. She has written for InYourArea and her work has also been featured in the Liverpool Echo. Zainab's articles cover a range of topics including local initiatives, entertainment deals, technology, and lifestyle features.

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Geo Focus

None, United Kingdom (Local)

Coverage Attributes:

Announcement: 66 %
Review: 11 %
Expert Commentary: 11 %
Promotional Deal: 11 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Local Government
  • Politics
  • Opinions
  • Community Issues
  • Saturday Column

Pitching Insights

Zainab Noor's coverage primarily focuses on local news and community-related topics within the UK, including announcements and promotional deals. She also covers a significant amount of family-oriented content, as well as sports and promotions.

For pitching to Zainab, consider providing her with exclusive local community stories or events happening in the UK. Provide insights from local figures or experts who can contribute to discussions on family-related issues, promotions, or developments in the area covered by Zainab.

Given her focus on deals & promotions, offering information about unique discounts or special offers available locally may catch her attention. If you have insights into newsworthy events related to local government activities or community issues within the UK, these would likely align with Zainab's coverage interests.

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Journalists With Similar Coverage:

Based on similarity of content.
Most recent topics
Deals & Promotions, House & Home, Beauty & Fashion, Sports, Personal Finance
Most recent topics
Beauty & Fashion, House & Home, Deals & Promotions, Entertainment News, Family & Relationships
Most recent topics
Deals & Promotions, Content & Publishing, Scientific, Product Promotions, Gaming
Most recent topics
House & Home, Lifestyle, Deals & Promotions, Entertainment, Tech
Most recent topics
Entertainment News, Deals & Promotions, Sports, Product Promotions, Entertainment
Most recent topics
Deals & Promotions, House & Home, Beauty & Fashion, Food & Beverage, Gaming