Who would've thought that in America, you could be arrested for “annoying” speech? That is what happened to the latest pro-life activist arrested for protesting outside an abortion clinic.
Newsbusters.org is a media watchdog website dedicated to exposing and neutralizing perceived liberal bias in mainstream American media outlets. Operated by the conservative Media Research Center, Newsbusters closely monitors and critiques news coverage across various platforms, including broadcast networks, cable channels, print publications, and online sources.
With a focus on government, politics, entertainment, culture, society, content publishing, and big tech, Newsbusters provides commentary and analysis from a right-leaning perspective. The website's content primarily consists of opinion pieces and editorials that aim to highlight instances of alleged liberal bias, inaccuracies, or unfair reporting in the media.
Newsbusters draws upon a vast archive of recorded news broadcasts dating back to 1987, enabling its contributors to scrutinize both short-term controversies and long-term trends in media coverage. The website's blog format allows for timely responses to current events and evolving stories, often citing data and legal or policy implications to support its arguments.
Newsbusters caters to a conservative audience seeking an alternative viewpoint on mainstream media narratives. Its mission is to serve as a counterweight to what it perceives as a liberal slant in the press, providing a platform for critical analysis and ideological balance in media discourse.