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Preston Insights

Sport360 is a pioneering daily sports publication that stands out as the world's only English-language print newspaper dedicated solely to sports coverage. Launched in 2010 by Gulf Sports Media, Sport360 offers a comprehensive and immersive experience for sports enthusiasts across the globe.

With a primary focus on sports, Sport360 covers a wide range of athletic disciplines, providing in-depth event coverage, expert commentary, and analysis from seasoned sports journalists. Beyond the realm of sports, the publication delves into related topics such as culture, society, travel, and tourism, catering to readers with diverse interests.

Sport360 serves as a platform for breaking news, announcements, press releases, and expert insights, ensuring that readers stay informed about the latest developments in the sporting world. Additionally, the publication features reviews and promotional content, offering readers exclusive deals and discounts related to sports and leisure activities.

Accessible through its online digital print platform, Sport360 caters to a global audience, providing a unique and engaging sports reading experience. With its commitment to comprehensive coverage and a diverse range of sports-related content, Sport360 has carved a niche for itself in the sports media landscape.

Coverage Attributes:

Event Coverage: 50 %
Announcement: 23 %
Press Release: 10 %
Expert Commentary: 3 %
Private Sector Announcements: 3 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • UAE
  • Basketball
  • NBA
  • Football
  • Motorsports

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