“Carl the Collector,” a new animated series for kids age 4-8, follows an adorable raccoon who is on the autism spectrum. This delightful little fellow lives with his mother and visits his father on weekends. His parents are divorced but they do get along and have their son's best interest at heart.
The Daily Herald is a long-standing local newspaper serving Utah Valley, providing comprehensive coverage of the region for over a century. As the leading news source in the area, it offers a wide range of content catering to the diverse interests of its local readership.
The Daily Herald covers a variety of themes that are relevant to the community, including sports, government and politics, family and relationships, culture and society, and entertainment news. Whether it's reporting on local sports teams, keeping readers informed about government decisions and policies, exploring societal trends and cultural events, or providing updates on the latest happenings in the entertainment world, the newspaper aims to be a one-stop source for all things Utah Valley.
The Daily Herald's coverage is characterized by its commitment to staying on top of evolving stories, providing timely event coverage, disseminating government announcements, and sharing press releases from local organizations. Additionally, the newspaper offers a platform for opinion editorials, allowing readers to engage with diverse perspectives on issues that matter to the community.
While the Daily Herald has embraced digital platforms, its primary medium remains the traditional print newspaper, which has been a trusted source of information for Utah Valley residents for over a century. The newspaper's deep roots in the community and its dedication to local journalism have solidified its position as an influential and innovative news source in the region.