Auron Macintyre

Preston's Summary

Auron Macintyre is a journalist who writes for Blaze Media and Conservative Review. His articles often focus on conservative viewpoints and cover topics such as political institutions, boycotts, cultural issues, and immigration.

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Coverage Attributes:

Legal Policy Regulation: 39 %
Opinion Editorial: 24 %
Government Announcement: 9 %
Expert Commentary: 9 %
Announcement: 6 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Politics
  • Ideology
  • Culture
  • Society
  • Government
  • Religion

Pitching Insights

Auron Macintyre's coverage heavily revolves around culture & society, government & politics, with a focus on conservatism, the First Amendment, and societal issues. His articles often touch upon legal policy regulation and include opinion editorials.

Given his emphasis on conservatism and politics, Auron may be interested in hearing from experts or individuals with unique insights into these topics. Potential pitches could involve commentary on current political events or cultural shifts related to conservative ideology or the First Amendment.

It is important to note that Auron does not have a specific geographic focus but seems to take an interest in broader societal and political issues regardless of location.

This information evolves through artificial intelligence and human feedback. Improve this profile .

Journalists With Similar Coverage:

Based on similarity of content.
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, Culture & Society, World Affairs, Entertainment News, Politics
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, Culture & Society, World Affairs, Politics, Lifestyle
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, Culture & Society, Scientific, Entertainment News, Crime
Most recent topics
Culture & Society, Government & Politics, Entertainment News, World Affairs, Education
Most recent topics
Government & Politics, Culture & Society, World Affairs, Politics, Big Tech
Most recent topics
Culture & Society, Government & Politics, World Affairs, Entertainment News, Politics