Ellie Barbee

Preston's Summary

Ellie Barbee is a freelance journalist who writes for various publications including Mashed and Yahoo News. With a focus on food and dining, Ellie covers topics ranging from restaurant reviews to food trends, offering readers insights into the culinary world. Her articles provide a mix of informative content and entertaining commentary, catering to food enthusiasts and casual readers alike.

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Coverage Attributes:

Review: 41 %
Promotional Deal: 20 %
Industry Specific: 13 %
Expert Commentary: 3 %
Cites Data: 3 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Food
  • Restaurants
  • Celebrity Chefs
  • Fast Food
  • Food Trends
  • Cooking Styles

Pitching Insights

Ellie's coverage is heavily focused on food and beverage, particularly restaurant reviews, industry-specific news, and promotional deals. She may be interested in content related to trending foods, new recipes from celebrity chefs, or changes and developments within the food industry.

Given Ellie’s emphasis on review pieces and promotions in the food & beverage sector, she might appreciate pitches that highlight unique dining experiences or introduce new products with nostalgic appeal. Providing insight into emerging consumer trends or exclusive access to behind-the-scenes stories at popular restaurants could also capture her interest.

While there is no specific geographic focus mentioned for Ellie's articles, it can be inferred that a global perspective on food trends would likely resonate with her readership.

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