Eva Hagan

Freelance Writer


Preston's Summary

Eva Hagan is a freelance writer who specializes in lifestyle and travel topics. With a passion for sustainability and plant-based living, Eva's articles often focus on eco-friendly practices, veganism, and exploring the best thrift stores and hiking trails across different regions. Her writing aims to inspire readers to make conscious choices and discover new experiences.

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Coverage Attributes:

Cites Data: 26 %
Promotional Deal: 14 %
How To Guide: 9 %
Exclusive: 7 %
Review: 6 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Food
  • Travel
  • Environmental Conservation
  • Fashion Industry
  • Gardening
  • Animal Welfare

Pitching Insights

Eva Hagan's articles predominantly focus on scientific topics, beauty & fashion, and house & home. Her reliance on data suggests that she values evidence-based information. When reaching out to her, consider providing scientifically supported insights or data-driven stories related to animals, food, fitness, travel, and the environment.

Given Eva’s coverage of specific locations in travel-related articles and her interest in sustainable shopping practices and environmental impact (as evidenced by "The Clothes You Donated Could Be Sitting in the Nairobi River" article), pitches about eco-friendly initiatives or sustainable living practices could resonate well with her audience.

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