John Burger

Writer and former News Editor

Preston's Summary

John Burger is a writer and former News Editor for Aleteia, a Catholic news and lifestyle website. With a focus on reporting on issues related to the Catholic Church and faith, John's articles cover a wide range of topics including social issues, religious events, and global news impacting the Catholic community.

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Geo Focus


Coverage Attributes:

Government Announcement: 40 %
Legal Policy Regulation: 22 %
Evolving Stories: 12 %
Breaking News: 8 %
Cites Data: 6 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Austria
  • Nigeria
  • United States
  • Roman Religion
  • Priesthood

Pitching Insights

John Burger's coverage primarily focuses on politics with a strong emphasis on government announcements and legal policy regulation, particularly in the context of religious affairs. His articles often touch upon evolving stories related to the topics he covers.

If pitching to John Burger, consider providing insights into governmental decisions or legal regulations concerning religious matters, especially those involving Catholicism. Additionally, experts who can offer analysis on political developments within the contexts of Austria, Nigeria, United States would be suitable for his coverage.

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Most recent topics
Culture & Society, Government & Politics, Entertainment News, Crime, Family & Relationships
Most recent topics
Culture & Society, Government & Politics, Entertainment News, Family & Relationships, Crime
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Culture & Society, Family & Relationships, Government & Politics, Scientific, Education
Most recent topics
Culture & Society, Government & Politics, Crime, Education, Legal & Compliance