Preston's Summary

John Warner is a writer, editor, speaker, and consultant, known for his books "Why They Can't Write" and "The Writer's Practice." He is currently employed by and focuses on local news and issues in the United States, specifically in Illinois and Chicago. His articles have been featured in various publications, including Yahoo News, Chicago Tribune Media Group, Slate Magazine, and more.

Preston is the artificial intelligence that powers the Intelligent Relations PR platform. Meet Preston

Geo Focus

Chicago, Illinois, United States (Local)

Coverage Attributes:

Event Coverage: 25 %
Opinion Editorial: 17 %
Review: 14 %
Cites Data: 10 %
Expert Commentary: 10 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • Books
  • Literature
  • AI
  • Education
  • Supreme Court
  • Sports

Pitching Insights

John Warner's coverage is a mix of book reviews, recommendations, and sports event summaries. For pitches to John, consider offering unique and compelling book recommendations or new releases for his "Biblioracle" articles. Additionally, if you have insights into the local Chicago sports scene or can provide expert commentary on sports events in the area, these could be valuable contributions.

As he focuses on local content with an emphasis on Chicago and Illinois, consider tailoring pitches to include elements relevant to this geographic area when it comes to both books and sporting events.

This information evolves through artificial intelligence and human feedback. Improve this profile .

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Government & Politics, Entertainment News, Culture & Society, Family & Relationships, House & Home