Mark Leon Goldberg

Preston's Summary

Mark Leon Goldberg is a journalist who writes for various publications, including UN Dispatch, The New Republic, Yahoo News, and The Hill. His articles cover a wide range of topics, including international politics, human rights, and global conflicts. With his extensive knowledge and experience, Mark provides insightful analysis and reporting on important global issues.

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Geo Focus


Coverage Attributes:

Government Announcement: 33 %
Legal Policy Regulation: 15 %
Evolving Stories: 15 %
Expert Commentary: 12 %
Event Coverage: 9 %

Themes Covered:

Most Recent Topics:

  • United Nations
  • International Relations
  • Global Development
  • Human Rights
  • Conflict Resolution
  • International Justice

Pitching Insights

Mark Leon Goldberg's coverage is heavily focused on world affairs, international relations, and humanitarian issues. His articles often include government announcements and legal policy regulations.

To effectively reach out to Mark, offer expert commentary or insights into evolving global political stories or humanitarian crises. Given his focus on United Nations-related topics and international conflicts, pitching experts with first-hand knowledge of these areas would be ideal.

Consider providing valuable perspectives on ongoing global events such as conflict resolution efforts, international justice charges, or humanitarian crises around the world. Keep in mind that your outreach should align with the themes covered in his articles for a higher chance of engagement.

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